Administration Users

Users are employees in the organization who can log into individual BLDR accounts, access information, and perform tasks according to permissions that have been defined.

In BLDR admin users have the ability to create user accounts.

BLDR supports two types of users: admin users and standard users.

Adding New Users

1. Click Menu > Administrtion > Users
2. In the User list view, click + Add User button
3. Provide the necessary information.
4. Select the appropriate settings
5. Click Save button
6. Choose file & click process import.

Import Users

  1.  Please see import instructions.

Additional Notes

  • User name - a unique login for each user (mandatory field)
  • Primary email - user's email address (mandatory field)
  • First name - user's first name
  • Last name - user's last name (mandatory field) 
  • Password - user's password (mandatory field)
  • Admin - tick this checkbox if you want a user to have access to the admin panel 
  • Role - a role assigned in accordance with company's organizational structure (mandatory field)
  • Status - by default, the status is set as active which means that a user has access to the system. If you want to temporary disable the access, you can switch the status to inactive. 

Questions or Concerns

Have a question or other pressing issue? Give us a call at (650) 300-9107.

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